Monday, April 1, 2013

Easter and the Resurrection

Teaching children about the Resurrection is tough. Easter is a very deep celebration, dealing with death and life. Often times we gloss over the death and go straight to the life. It is easier. 

This picture above is me and my paternal grandfather - Lawrence Everrett Faulkner. I have a few memories with him, he died while I was still a child. Most of my memories are visiting him at the various nursing homes he lived in.

This morning at breakfast, Carter said to me. "I saw a man. He was dressed in white. He had a white tie, and a white belt, and a white thing on his arm - I don't know what it was." I asked him if the man said anything to him. "No. He didn't do anything." I asked him if he knew the man's name. "It started with an L, and he had 2 Rs in his name. And a K." Then, he tried multiple variations of the man's name, but none of them sounded like a name. Carter often tells me about his dreams. They are usually about cars and Daddy.

I have to wonder if the man Carter saw watching over him was my grandpa - known by most as Larry. March 31st is the anniversary of his baptism. I also wonder if that had any significance. 

I tried to show pictures of my grandpa to Carter. However, the pictures I have are of him as an old man, like above. We believe that through the atonement of Jesus Christ, we will get our bodies back in perfect form. If Carter did see my grandpa, he would have seen him as a young man. I will have to search for a picture of him as a young man. 

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