Thursday, March 19, 2020

And it gets worse!

We have finally gotten into a groove with our schoolwork. Beckett is whipping through worksheets on currency. Carter started emailing his teacher and other classmates. In addition to journaling for writing time, we are going to add writing letters to our friends. It will be the social part of our day since we can’t do playdates. I still let them ride their bikes in the street with the other kids, but it won’t be long before we are ordered to “Shelter in Place” – meaning we have to stay at home away from everyone.

California went on lockdownor “Shelter in Place” today. We have had more deaths than any other state! California is at 18. But 74 people in Washington have died and 60 of them were in my county! I measure this virus by the death toll because testing availability and rates varies widely and just because one state has more positive tests does not mean they have more cases of the virus.

Utah experienced a5.7 magnitude earthquake yesterday, with roughly 80 aftershocks! As if a pandemic wasn’t enough! The trumpet from the Salt Lake Temple fell off the statue of Moroni. There were a couple funny memes about that.

The hoarding was just as bad in Utah, before it even hit there.

Carter wanted his hair died red. A neighbor lent him her hair dye. Unfortunately, his hair is too dark and it didn’t take.

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