Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Their Math is Hard!!

Their math is hard! Their schoolwork in general is rather difficult. I looked at Carter’s math workbook and was very confused. I could not figure out what was going on. I called my sister, who is a teacher, and she explained it to me. I get what he is doing, but I do not have a good enough grasp on how they do it to teach it. I have decided we are just going to keep up what they have already learned. 

David’s cousin asked how she could use math while her kids were doing laundry. Someone suggested fractions and I thought that was pretty good. I asked Carter to give me the fractions of the laundry. This is what he gave me:

I thought Roslyn’s math was too hard for her. I knew Beckett was doing “Fact Families” – but he struggled with it at first. I took one look at Roslyn’s work and told her it was too hard, I would go find something more on her level. While I was searching, she did the page and brought it to me. She made up her own family on the first one, but used the numbers provided for the second! 

Now, Roslyn’s English Language Arts. That is tough. I can’t figure out what this kid is doing that that the man is not and what the heck is the kid sleeping doing? He seems to be doing more than nodding off. Anybody?

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