Monday, August 16, 2010

Moving around

Carter has been scooting around for almost a week. He looks up to where he wants to go, then puts his head down and pushes his body forward with his legs. He usually ends up with little rug burns on his forehead. We don't have carpet, so I have to practice with him on the bed. He is very forceful with his little head plowing along.

David has no qualms about putting Carter on the floor. We have Pergo throughout the entire house, so it is pretty hard. Carter doesn't like how it feels on his head, so he lifts his head up on our floor and keeps on moving. David set Carter down on the floor behind him while he was on the computer and Carter ended up out of the room in the hallway. I say it is pretty scary. He is very content rolling around the playpen for me. I think we'll keep it that way.

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