Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Another Milestone Down
Saturday, May 28, 2011
The Old Cannery again

Thursday, May 26, 2011
Foot Ball
(He's not posing to be cute, he just fell and touched the grass - YUCK!! - apparently)
One more Carter story:
It amazes me how much he understands. I tell him that it is time to roll up his sleeves, and he grabs them and tries to pull up. He knows what I want, he just doesn't have the capabilities yet. Carter was being super defiant last week. He loves to play in the dog's water dish & turn the water on in the bathtub. I am hoping the water table cures him of both of those. On Saturday - the 14th - I caught him in the dog's water 3 times. Each time I said to myself - he is not old enough to punish, I just have to remove him from the situation until he can comprehend punishment.
We have tried flicking his hand when he is touching something he shouldn't, or even a time out on my lap. He just doesn't get it. He will continue to do what he is doing regardless of how many times I flick his hand in a row. Eventually he will cry while still doing what he is doing. I think he knows, but just doesn't care.
So, on the fourth time I was pretty angry. I walked in there and thought I'd try raising my voice. He just looked at me and continued to splash. He was also babbling at me, like he was saying "Hi mom, what beautiful weather we're having". I told him to get out of the bathroom. Nothing. I leaned over and smacked his hand against the bowl. NOTHING. I smacked his hand again. It didn't even break his conversation. He was completely ignoring me, with one hand in his lap and the other splashing in the water. I looked him right in the eye and said "MOVE YOUR HAND!". He picked up the hand that was in his lap, raised it up and wiggled his fingers.
What do you do?? It was one of those moments that I just wanted to laugh. You can't laugh however. I picked him up and took him out. Then we got a water table.
You ask me, 'Why don't you remove the temptation?' 'Why is the water accessible?' I can't lock the dogs out of their water, and I can't lock them in. It is a double edged sword. Somebody looses, and I cannot punish the dogs. It is so frustrating.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Outside Finally
We got Carter a water table for outside. If you remember our visit to the Science Center, you'll know how much this little guy loves water. He had a blast with his new table. He really enjoys splashing, and getting completely soaked!
I am pretty sure Carter only asks for bubbles because he loves watching the dogs enjoy them. Blu & Vortex LOVE popping bubbles. Blu especially.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Where is the "Toddler Explosion" setting on my washing machine????
Thursday, May 19, 2011
New Slide
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Wiggly & Defiant
Carter and David had matching ties on Sunday, so I tried to get a picture. Carter wouldn't hold still. The only way I could get him to hold still was to give him the lens cap for the camera. I know it is kind of goofy with him and this lens cap in the picture. I take great pride in my pictures, and choosing the very best ones to email out and display on my blog. So I guess I should not be too hurt if somebody complains about my prop, especially since it is the first time I have posted less than perfect pictures (in my opinion).