We took Carter down to Spooner Farms in Puyallup/Orting today. He was GRUMPY!! These are the best pictures we got. They look like he is smiling, but the sun is really in his eyes. We are just REALLY good at getting that shot at just the right moment:

Carter with daddy, thinking he is finally leaving:

Carter and me:

He LOVED the duckies. The kids got to race duckies via water pumper things. It was like the bath for him - with the splashing water and the little ducks. He screamed when we tried to leave this activity. All he wanted to do was sit at the end and splash in the water:

You may see this on our Christmas card. I am hoping to get a picture where he is smiling, but no luck today:

He just likes Grandma & Grandpa more I guess:
I'm glad you guys found it! Isn't that place fun?!