Friday, May 11, 2012

Family Home Evening

Every week we set aside time together as a family. We have been instructed at church that it is crucial to set aside time. We call it Family Home Evening. Everybody spends time together as a family, but as life gets busier, and schedules get more packed - you get little snippets here and there, yet none of it is meaningful.

Our Family Home Evening time is set aside for Sunday, as David works long hours during the week. We start and end with a prayer and a song, and have a lesson in the middle. At first I felt a little unsure of what to do for a lesson with Carter. I did a ton of research online to see what other people were doing. I came across a lady that purchased the Sunday School manual for the class her young child was in, and they taught from that. I did the same. We try to time it so we are having the same lesson Carter has that day. We have been holding Family Home Evening with Carter for about a year and a half, and many nights have been a struggle. He has trouble sitting still for even short periods of time some days.

But, I am so excited to report that this Sunday was the first time Carter actively participated in a lesson!! The lesson was titled I will say "I'm Sorry". He answered questions, he participated in the role playing and what-if games. It was fresh in his memory (well, 4 hours old), and he had great recall. I am very hopeful for next week.

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