Friday, October 29, 2010
Monday, October 25, 2010
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Vampire Baby
Soy Milk
Carter doesn't seem to mind, he'll drink anything. However, he is starting to get sick. He has blown out of his diaper multiple times in the last week, and he has thrown up twice. Orangish bumps have begun to appear on his cheeks and his back. I am worried that he may have a milk allergy. He has been drinking it for over a month, and we are just now having problems.
When I presented this to David last night after he got home from work at 10:30 he decided that we needed to switch over to soy right away. So, off I went to Safeway at 11:00 last night to buy soy milk. I don't even know if the milk is the problem.
Does anybody have experience with this? Am I doing the right thing, or do you think it is because we have all been sick?
Since I am asking for advice: does anybody have suggestions for a dog that is afraid of the heater when it comes on? Our dogs sleep in our spare bathroom, and there is a heater vent in there. When it comes on they wake up and whine. It is really frustrating at 2:30, and 4:30 in the morning. I have tried moving them out of the bathroom in the past, but I don't really have anywhere to put them now that Carter has taken over his own room.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Pumpkin Patch
Sunday, October 17, 2010
My Garden
David bought me a watering system for my birthday, and a Topsy Turvy for Strawberries for Mother's Day.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Grading Papers
- Contamination: When fluids get contomineted
- Contamination: Where chemeicals are mixed in a bad way.
- Capacity: The amount you want to put in something.
- UTI - Universal Technical Group (It is supposed to be Institute)
- UTI - Universal Technition Instituted
- UTI - Uniseral Technacl Institution
I had multiple variations of how to spell Universal Technical Institute, and I even had one kid say that it was ITT Tech instead.
Sometimes I laugh at the "Things I Learned Today". The really funny ones happen when a student does something really stupid in class. I find myself asking David "how did _____ learn _____ on Friday?" or "What did you catch ______ doing on Thursday?" a lot.
In this group:
- Wheels hurt when they smack my face
- How not to take an air filter out
- Learning about diff cars
- Never remove the radiator cap when the cap is on. (huh? How do you get it off?)
The child that made the last entry copied it incorrectly from someone else's paper. I found the correct version on another paper while searching for this one to post here on my blog. The correct answer states that you should not remove the cap when the car is on. I would not have caught him cheating if I wasn't going to put it on here. As a result he got a zero, and the other kid got half credit for letting him cheat. I don't mess around with cheaters.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Picky Eater?
He put the toy in there, followed it, put it out, then followed it out:
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Pasta Stars
****UPDATE**** Carter will not eat it at this thickness. I have to mix it with Yam mush. I recommend mixing in some mushed up Yams or other mush to get it to go down easier.