Sunday, January 9, 2011

Zoo Lights

We went to dinner with my friend Jenn. We graduated high school together in Tucson. Before I was married I visited her a lot in college. I'm sure she loved the completely random drop-ins. She was always awake enough to visit with me. Some of my fondest memories of college was not at my own, but at hers.We went to Zoo Lights at the Hogle Zoo. That was the zoo I went to as a child, and it has really changed!! The animals are no longer in cages, they have really cool exhibits now.
This is our attempt at a family picture:
We got there just as they opened for the lights.
This is another one of David's creative camera shots. He held the shudder open for a very long time and got the lights through their entire cycle. The actual display was only one deer at a time lit up:

This was another cool one. The fly landed on the frog's head, and the frog with the tongue tried to get it. The fly was too quick, and the other frog got licked.
You can barely see Carter in his stroller. Yes, we brought the big jogging stroller - just for this event. It was worth it to bring it through the airport so we could use it at the zoo.

This one is impossible to get a picture of the whole thing because the Merry-Go-Round was in the way. It was about 6 animals long. Each one passing the star to the other until it was atop the tree:

Carter's first Merry-Go-Round ride. He really seemed to enjoy it.

You like the yelling - we stopped, and he wanted to keep going.

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