Friday, October 21, 2011

Spray Pad with our friend Owen and our friend Felicity

This is another Arizona post. I will get through this trip - soon I hope.

Carter was MISERABLE. We tried to take him to the spray pad when the water was actually on, and he fought us the entire time. He WOULD NOT play in the water or on the playground.

There was a soccer game going on, and Carter did go over and watch. However, it turned into a huge screaming fit because Carter tried to go onto the field and get the ball. No pictures of that - I was too busy chasing him.

A friend from high school met us there with his wife and son Owen. Owen is about 8 months younger than Carter. He had a blast!!

We also met up with my brother John and his girlfriend Natalie. I really like Natalie. She is fun to talk with and she has a very positive attitude. She brought her niece Felicity - who happens to share a birthday with Carter's best friend Lydia (4 weeks younger than Carter). She was also fine with the heat/water combo.

These were my sad attempts at trying to pose them together:

My brother John never could quite make it into Carter's comfort zone.

Although, with all the balls John had hidden around his house, he may have come close. After the park we went back to John's house. Carter had a good nap in the car, and a lot of Gatorade.

He was not real fond of John's pit bulls, but he's not real fond of Blu & Vortex either. They are just easier to bully.

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