Saturday, July 23, 2011

Day 5

Pictures for this post at least.

Carter decided to go outside and play in his car. My good friend Laura gave us this car. All 5 of her children loved it, and at least one family before hers. Carter LOVES it. Mommy has a car, Daddy has a car, and now Carter has a car. We've had it for a couple months now, but he still loves it. It had recently rained, and he felt that him and his Cookie needed to go out and take a ride. I don't know if you can tell, but Cookie is sitting in at least 1/4 inch of water. He came inside drenched!

He is wearing his hat, & Daddy's hat. We went to the mall to get some wiggles out the other day. We ran around the loop and played in the play area for a while. On the way back to the door near our car we passed a hat store. He was in heaven. He ran in yelling "S-hat S-hat!!". Believe it or not, he started grabbing hats and tried to put on as many hats as he could. All while wearing these two hats! The man behind the counter could only shake his head and giggle.

Also on that trip, he stopped dead in his tracks. Frozen, he kept saying "May May". I had to process what he was saying (it all sounds the same sometimes). He saw a bearded man with glasses managing a tobacco pipe kiosk. He thought he was our Mail Man. Right now he is excited when he sees the Mail Man, that means we get to go out of the yard and get the mail. He sees mail trucks on the street from his car seat and gets excited. He even identifies the USPS symbol off of ANYTHING as the Mail Man. 

He has been very adamant that we pray with him ALL THE TIME religiously. I think he does this just to make daddy take off his hat (after 4 or 5 prayers in a row, he usually excitedly ends up with daddy's hat and runs away). However, he does it with me too. He has started to attempt to make Lydia pray with him. She didn't take too kindly to his advances. When I told her why he was grabbing at her hands, she was fairly compliant - ONCE. After that she just screams at him. She does not want to be held down. He ends up praying without her. Usually while she is still screaming at her. I can always tell when it is coming. He will come to me wanting to pray, then he will leave after only one prayer. He has remembered that he has a buddy. He runs down the hall shouting "Pairs Pairs". Then I hear her screaming.

On to his diet.

Today, he ate his usual banana with soy yogurt/applesauce/rice cereal mix - which he has been eating in some form or another (We used to use Nancy's Organic Whole Milk Honey yogurt before we cut out all dairy to get to the bottom of his allergy) for a year now. We have added coconut - thank you Aunt Arlene for the recommendation to firm up his stool. It helps a great deal. Other than that, all he ate (collectively) was a sandwich (the same kind as yesterday and the day before), some watermelon, and some Annie's gluten-free Bunny Crackers. He calls them "Amals". I think he is trying to say "Animal". I get the idea. We went to a birthday party today, and he had no desire to eat what the other kids were eating. What a weird easy going kid! They had cake and ice cream right in front of him, and he didn't even ask me for any. He was the only one not eating too. I think he will be able to manage his weight very easily as an adult because he doesn't eat when he is not hungry - no matter how yummy it looks.

Tomorrow will be fun. I need to go and prepare a baggy for the nursery.

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