Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Gluten Free Day 2

Today was fairly successful. He still wouldn't eat my chicken vegetable rice meal. However, he had 2 slices of dairy-free gluten-free bread (From Haley's Corner Bakery) with soy-nut butter on it, oranges, and hazelnut crackers by Blue-Diamond. I am glad he liked the bread. He wouldn't eat the applebutter on the slice, but at $7.50 a loaf I couldn't waste a slice!!

We went to our church potluck. I was fairly worried that I wouldn't find enough for Carter to eat, but I coordinated it so I had to be there. I was surprised to see how much there was to eat. Everything was red. Carter had some EXTREMELY watered down Crystal Light, red Jello with fruit in it, Watermelon, Strawberries, and a hot dog. All gluten free. Shortly after this picture he rolled over and crawled across the blanket - through his plate of red stuff. It was such a mess!!

We also went to a concert in the park. We saw Caspar Babypants. It was so much fun. It seems like all the kids had snacks. Carter didn't try to grab any other snacks, even from his friends. YAY!  

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